Java 8 Functional Interfaces Examples

Functional Interfaces in Java 8 are the key to unlocking the power of the new lambda expressions and method references.

Whenever we use a lambda expression (e.g. when creating an anonymous function when we’re working with streams), our expression has to satisfy one of these functional interfaces to be accepted - to think of it another way, our function has to match the “pattern” or “shape” that Java is expecting.

Often in the official Java API docs for stream processing you’ll see a lot of references to Consumer, Predicate, BiConsumer etc - these are simply just ways of saying “You need a create an anonymous function that satisfies this functional interface”.

There are a lot of functional interfaces in Java 8, but this page covers examples for the most common interfaces you’ll encounter when working with lambda expressions.


A Consumer takes a single parameter by calling the acceptmethod, and does not return a result (i.e. it “consumes” the value).

It is the simplest example so if you’re struggling to understand functional interfaces then this is a good place to start.

A classic example of a Consumer - and one that we use in a lot of our examples on this site - is a simple lambda expression that takes some value and prints it out to the console

package xyz.byexample.java8;

import java.util.function.Consumer;

public class functionalInterfaces {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Consumer c = (Object obj) -> {
        c.accept("Hello World");


Hello World

So we’re using a lambda expression (i.e. the ... -> {...} part) to create a Consumer called c - this Consumer simply takes an Object and prints it out to the console when it is called via the Consumer’s accept().

We could simplify this code a bit more to make it even more streamlined:

Consumer c = obj -> System.out.println(obj);
c.accept("Hello World");

So to reiterate we’ve created a lambda expression obj -> System.out.println(obj) that satisfies the Consumer functional interface.

What if you need to use more than one parameter in your Consumer? Well then you cam try a BiConsumer.


A BiConsumer takes two parameters and does not return a result - it is basically identical to a Consumer in every sense except it takes more than one parameter!

Need to use more than two parameters? There is no TriConsumer or QuadConsumer in the standard library so we’ll need to create our own custom FunctionalInterface to handle those.


A Function takes a single parameter and returns a result by calling the apply method.

Here we’re declaring our Function with type parameters so that we can let the compiler know that we’re expecting to deal with Integer - had we not done this the compiler would have assumed we were working with Object which would have caused an error since you cant apply the * operator to Object.

Function<Integer, Integer> double = i -> i * 2;



Note also that although a Function accepts a single parameter, we have provided two types (Function<Integer, Integer> double = ...). This is because we are specifying the type for both the single input parameter, as well as the type of the output of the function.

If we have a different function that does something else, then we’d need to change out type parameters to reflect that. E.g. if we want to accept an Integer and return a String:

Function<Integer, String> toString = i -> i.toString();




A BiFunction takes two parameters and returns a result. Exactly the same as Function, except it takes two parameters.

BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> add = (a, b) -> a + b;
System.out.println(add.apply(1, 2));




A Predicate takes a single parameter and returns a true or false result by calling the test method.

Predicate<Integer> isEven = i -> i % 2 == 0;



Note that with Predicate you do not need to specify the return type like we did with Function and BiFunction. This is because the result is always a Boolean.

Custom Functional Interfaces

As noted above, there are a lot of functional interfaces in the standard library, but there is not complete coverage - for example if you need to pass 1 or 2 parameters then you can use Consumer or BiConsumer, but if you need to pass 3 parameters there is no such thing as a TriConsumer in the standard library!

If you need to use a functional interface that does not exist in the standard library then we can very easily create our own, e.g. here is an implementation of a TriConsumer that accepts 3 parameters:

package xyz.byexample.java8;

interface TriConsumer<P1, P2, P3> {
    void accept(P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3);

public class functionalInterfaces {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TriConsumer tc = (a, b, c) -> System.out.println("Param 1: " + a + "\nParam 2: " + b + "\nParam 3: " + c);
        tc.accept("One", "Two", "Three");



Param 1: One
Param 2: Two
Param 3: Three

So we’ve created a new & very simple FunctionalInterface that accepts three parameters, and in our main method we’ve provided a lambda expression that satisfies that interface.

Since functional interfaces can only contain a single abstract method (i.e. accept in this example), we do not need to name it when we implement it so we can use our lambda expression even though it never mentions that it is implementing the accept method in the interface

In the old days we would have had to provide an anonymous class with an accept method signature that matches the interface’s, and put our logic (i.e. our System.out.println(...) code) in the body of that method like so:

public class functionalInterfaces {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Dont do this!  This is an example of the old pre-java8 way!
        TriConsumer tc = new TriConsumer() {
            public void accept(Object p1, Object p2, Object p3) {
                System.out.println("Param 1: " + p1 + "\nParam 2: " +p2 + "\nParam 3: " + p3);
        tc.accept("One", "Two", "Three");

As you can see, this is a lot of extra code which makes things less-clear and harder to read. Java 8’s functional interfaces and lambda expressions means we can pass a single lambda expression instead. This helps to keep our code smaller, clearer and easier to read (which means less bugs too!).

Although this works as-is, it is not consistent with the Consumer and BiConsumer in the standard library since it does not provide a default andThen implementation but that is trivial to add - take a look at the source code for BiConsumer in the JDK to see how they’ve done it. You may want to consider adding default implementations in your customer functional interfaces to remain consistent and provide the greatest flexibility when interacting with other code.