Javascript Collections


Sorting an Array of Objects

While arrays have a simple sort() method to do an in-place sort on an array of simple values like numbers or strings, this is not useful for arrays of objects since there is nothing to easily sort on (e.g. should it use myObject.value1 or myObject.value2 fto sort using?)

In order to sort on a property of the object, we need to provide a customised comparison function that can be passed to sort() in order to do a customised sort of the object we are storing:

const myArray = [
    name: 'Object 1',
    value: 7,
    name: 'Object 2',
    value: 4,
    name: 'Object 3',
    value: 27,

// Used to sort instances of `myObject` based on the `value` property.
const myObjectCompareFunction = (a, b) => {
  // We're just using numerical greater-than but you could do anything here.
  if (a.value > b.value) return 1;  // b goes above a
  if (a.value < b.value) return -1; // a goes above b
  return 0;

// Sort the array of my objects using a custom compare function.

console.log(myArray);	// Sorted: Object 2 (4), Object 1 (7), Object 3 (27)

When writing custom compare functions, remember that if we pass in parameters a & b:

  • Returning -1 means a should be above b.
  • Returning 0 means leave a & b as they are (compared to each other)
  • Returning 1 means b should be below a

Technically you can return any values less than or greater than 0 (so e.g. -34534 or 10 are also fine) which gives you some flexibility in your algorithm - e.g. often you will just see code where the compare function simply does something like return a - b;

Getting the Min & Max from an Array of Objects

The Math.min and Math.max functions are great for getting the minimum or maximum values from the provided arguments, but the arguments cannot be a simple array of values.

And even then if you have an array of objects, there is no way to specify which of the properties of the object should be used for the min & max values (e.g. should it use myObject.value1 or myObject.value2 for min & max values?)

The solution is to use the function to return the value of a specific property of your choosing for object, and then combine the output of that with the ... spread syntax so that the values of the array are passed to the Math.min and Math.max functions individually:

const myArray = [
    name: 'Object 1',
    value: 7,
    name: 'Object 2',
    value: 4,
    name: 'Object 3',
    value: 27,

const myArrayValues = => obj.value);  // [7, 4, 27]

console.log(Math.min(...myArrayValues));  // logs '4'
console.log(Math.max(...myArrayValues));  // logs '27'